Threats lurk on your devices (PCs, Macs, mobiles, tablets). You need a security suite to fix the security issues. It is well said, "Antivirus systems need to strike a balance between detecting all possible attacks without causing any false alarms. And while we try to improve on this all the time, there will never be a solution that is 100 percent perfect". Needless to say, Norton Antivirus is a complete solution to all your technical problems. It has a strong team that acts as backbone for the software. All the more thanks to Norton Customer Helpline Support. The team has well experienced professionals that come up with best possible solution to meet your technical glitches or mishaps. Let us find what Norton has more to offer:-
- Choose reliable Security Software and Keep Updating / Upgrading it - It is recommended to use reputable Internet Security Software suite to avoid threats like viruses, spyware, worms and Trojan horses from entering your device. It is not only important to update your security software (Like Norton Antivirus) but also hardware. Go in for new technology at regular intervals of time.
- Password Management - Do not use a simple password. You can use combination of numbers, alphabets and symbols. In fact, use alphanumeric passwords. Again they should not be too simple like your date of birth or marriage anniversary. It is a good practice to keep changing the password from time to time. This would deceive hackers and intruders who misuse technology.
- Phone Pass codes - Opening phone with single swipe is convenient but a gateway to threats to whoever uses / misuses it. It is a good practice to keep the pass code convenient for you but inconvenient for the other person to unlock. Also use auto-lock facility.
- Using Safe Wifi - It is better to connect your devices with secure network / wifi system. One must avail Wi-Fi Protected Access instead.
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