It is well said, "Cyber bullies can hide behind a mask of anonymity online, and do not need direct physical access to their victims to do unimaginable harm". All thanks to Norton Antivirus. For more help, try Norton Customer Helpline Support. Semantic attack is misusing information that damages credibility of the targeted resources, through direct or indirect means. It may be called as molding of information and setting someone in wrong direction or path to achieve one's undue goals or targets.
Some terms related to Cyber Attacks are:-
- Brute-Force Attack:- In this case, the attacker tries all possible ways to crack the password, whether it is simple or a difficult one. Permutation and Combination can be used. Attackers make perfect combination of letters, numbers and symbols. Once the password is cracked, recovery is very difficult. Hence, our info can be easily leaked if proper measures are not taken.
- Dictionary Attack:- It is also a method of cracking password. The attacker tries to use words from dictionary whichever he may think fits the best. Again, Permutation and Combination is used here.
- Denial-Of-Service Attack (DoS):- Here network is itself the target. The attacker tries to block network by sending loads of traffic. DoS attack is carried by one computer. In case of Distributed Denial-Of-Service (DDoS) Attack, all computers work together via single network. They send traffic to a particular network, blocking the entire network. On the other hand, Botnet is a computers group which is under the control of the attacker for undue means. Attacker can easily overpower or destroy a target network.
Hackers and intruders will definitely try to peep in and misuse our personal information. It depends on us what safety measures are we opting for against viruses, spyware, worms and Trojan horses from entering the devices (PCs, Macs, Phones, Tablets etc.). It is obvious that hackers and intruders will search for the systems in which the security software is not updated / upgraded. Installing updates and mending patches is always a good idea. For more help, try Norton Support Phone Number. Avail the service to find best features of your security software.
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