Gene Spafford well said, "The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead-lined room with armed guards.” But this is practically impossible. All we can do is get our PC out of the box and start running good security software on it. We can then be satisfied that our system is safe. Again, what if your security software found a virus in your PC? It may be any malware but you do not know exactly what it is and how did it reach there, isn't it? There may be a possibility that your security software is able to remove malware from the system but not the one that came into existence from the browser. But this is a rare case. It is great if you can deal with the situation but it is better to take advise from the expert. Don't worry, Norton Customer Service will help you out. Be quick and avail the facilities online.
Following are some common threats. Let us have a look:-
- Computer Virus: This is a chunk of code. It may be referred to as a program. It is loaded on system without the knowledge of the user. It affects performance of the PC. PC’s function may be deteriorated or it may stop functioning at all.
- Computer Worm: Just as a worm destroys everything, similarly this computer worm is a program that replicates itself. It spreads infection, throughout the system.
- Spyware: This gathers data and information of the user without his knowledge and then misuses it.
- Trojan horse: Trojan horse compels you to believe that the system is all well, but actually it is not. The system is infected.
Following steps may be helpful in removing a persistent malware infection:-
- Confirm whether your security software has best and latest definitions files.
- Go for a full deep scan and not a quick one that you do most of the times.
- You may install SOS (Second Opinion Scanner), though we advise to take help online first. Maybe you don't require this at all.
- Take the back up of confidential and important data and information, lest it may lose.
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