Third-party Yahoo Mail technical assistance The population of the world is already over the 7 billion mark and it is still increasing at sky-rocketing rate. The use of internet is extensive in all parts of the world and it cannot be denied that it has emerged as one of the most useful inventions ever. With internet in action, communication improved drastically making the things easier for the mankind. Webmail service is mode of communication that allows the user to exchange messages with the help of electronic signals through a computer over the network. A user has dozens of webmail options available and choosing any one of them is quite confusing. One can create his/her account on Yahoo if the user needs huge email storage space, better protection against spam and viruses, and besides it is user-friendly as well. Users on a webmail are always under the radar of the hacker, therefore in the event of suspicious activity, it is favorable to reset the password. We will be discussing...